Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I contact CTCF?

Email us at [email protected]

CTI Centre
Jl. A.A. Maramis Kayuwatu, Kairagi II
Manado, North Sulawesi 95254

You can also send us a message here.

Where does CTCF work?

CTCF is an independent regional conservation trust fund that provides sustainable financing within the Coral Triangle: Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste.

Find out more about where we work.

What does CTCF do?

The CTCF is set up to administer a variety of funding mechanisms, including endowments, sinking funds, pass-through funding and more.

Our mission is to prioritise the establishment and management of Priority Marine Protected and Conserved Areas (MPCAs) in the Coral Triangle that are effective, climate-resilient, and sustainable, with a focus on benefiting both nature and communities. Read more about Our Mission.

What is the relationship between CTCF and the Coral Triangle Initiative for Coral Reef, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF)?

CTCF has been established as an independent foundation to support the broad priorities of CTI-CFF (see Supporting RPOA) and to cooperate with it at the level of strategy development. CTI-CFF is represented at the highest levels of CTCF and will play an important role in approving grants to implementing partners across the region.

How can I stay updated on CTCF's activities and achievements?

Stay connected with us by signing up to our MailChimp.

Are donations to CTCF tax-deductible?

Yes, CTCF is currently undergoing registration as an Indonesia non-profit. More information on tax deductions on here will be provided soon.

Where does the money donated to CTCF go?

The money goes towards Our Mission in either of our three strategy pillars:

  • Protect
  • Restore
  • Transform
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